Asthma Prescription Assistance Programs
The treatment of asthma has come a long way in the past few years. Care has improved and medicines have gotten better. These changes are making it easier for patients to control their asthma symptoms and live a fuller life. The cost of asthma medication is very high. When a patient transitions from CFC to […]
Is Your Environment Making Your Asthma Worse?
In March 2016, the Center for Disease Control reported about 1 in every 14 people is suffering from asthma. The same report showed that as of March, there were 24 million Americans who have asthma. That makes about 7.4% of the adult population. The statistics are daunting. Your Environment Making Your Asthma Worse? It is […]
How To Deal with Asthma in Children
Asthma is the most common non-transmittable chronic disease in children. This disease is becoming more prevalent as the time goes by. In the USA, about 7 million children are afflicted with asthma. In this disorder, the air passageways of lungs called bronchi are narrowed down due to inflammation. Asthma causes recurring periods of coughs, breathlessness, […]
6 Foods That May Trigger Your Asthma
Specific triggers aggravate the lungs. The result? Swelling and wheezing – more commonly Specific triggers aggravate the lungs. The result? Swelling and wheezing – more commonly known as asthma. There can be several causes of asthma varying from person to person. The medical condition could be hereditary, or triggered by a source the possibilities of […]
Asthma Medication for Children
Asthma is a common chronic disorder prevalent among adults and children alike. But asthma attacks and flare-ups can be kept at bay through proper treatment. Apposite asthma medication given to children helps to improve their breathing conditions, and reduce the flare-ups and other problems associated with asthma. Asthma in children varies from one child to […]
Asthma in Children
Having a child suffering from symptoms of asthma could be both, fatiguing and disturbing for the parents. Children who develop asthma usually do so in early stages of life (usually up to five years of age). There are certain environmental and natural causes of asthma in children that are Asthma in genes (from either side, […]