Avoid the Common Cold this Holiday Season
Not unlike an unwanted Christmas present, catching a cold during your holiday-time-off is something that everyone goes through once or twice. You didn’t need that wheezy cough trying to blow out the candles on the New Year’s Eve cake and Grandpa Joe didn’t need boxers with Frank Sinatra printed on the trunks; some years, everyone […]
Make Healthy Food Choices to Combat COPD
When life gives you the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, more commonly known as the COPD, hit the supermarket to indulge in healthy food choices. COPD patients require higher amounts of calories than usual, as it takes them considerable effort to breathe. One needs to bear in mind, that even when you’re overweight and suffering from […]
4 Tips and 4 Recipes for a Healthy Diabetic-Friendly Snack
Snacking is an essential part of a diabetic’s diet. It helps them maintain their blood-sugar levels between meals. For those taking medications that cause a drop in their blood sugar, having a healthy, diabetic-friendly snack is as important as keeping their blood pressure, and heart rate in check. For the most part, your doctor will […]